Can You Install SpyBubble Remotely?

There are situations in which the possibility to monitor the activity of a mobile phone is your only ticket to a better sleep at night, to peace of mind and harmony in the relation with the people you love, and that is where SpyBubble comes in.

It does allow you to keep your kids under surveillance, to know where they are, whom they talk to and send texts to, what websites they access and so on. All the information is sent and placed at your disposition on a dedicated website, where you can access it anytime you want, within the 30 days period when the information remains stored.

The problem is that, no matter what some believe, the software cannot be installed from a distance, which is why you can only spy on the people you get in contact with, who are close to you and to whose mobile phones you have access, in order to perform the installation.

Why Is SpyBubble so Popular?

Despite the numerous controversies surrounding it and the false rumors regarding its inefficiency, this software gives you access to incredible information, such as:

  • Sent and received text messages – time, phone numbers and names, if the numbers are saved in the phone’s contacts list;
  • Received and made phone calls –time, duration, interlocutor phone number and name, if saved in the phone’s contact list;
  • Full access to the details of the contacts’ saved in the phone’s memory;
  • Photos available in the phone’s memory.

Besides this data, a series of additional functions complete the spying capabilities that SpyBubble offers:

  • Calls interception – you can listen to any call made or received on the phone you monitor;
  • Phone location – you can locate the phone through Google Maps;
  • Photos – you can command the phone to take photos and send them anytime, from a distance;
  • Surrounding noises – the cell phone may be set to register the noises in its proximity.

What Does Its Installation Involve?

The installation process is simple and does not take more than twenty minutes. After it is completed, you just set a username and a password and you use them in order to log in on the website that will allow you to consult the information sent from the monitored device.

The only inconvenient related to the installation of SpyBubble is that it only works on smartphones, so, those who wish to spy on people using older phone models cannot use it. Luckily, the latest technological progresses and the tight competition in the field of mobile phones have lowered the prices considerably, to such an extent that almost anyone can afford a smartphone.

Can SpyBubble Be Installed Remotely?

Despite the rumors, remote installation is not part of the benefits that this software offers. In order to provide information on a phone’s activity, the program has to be installed on that phone directly.

More than that, the phone to be monitored must be connected to the Internet, because that is how the information regarding its activity is transmitted and stored. Luckily, that is not a problem either, almost all smartphones benefiting from Wi-Fi connectivity, and free networks being available at almost every corner.

Some Considerations Regarding the Legal and Moral Implications of Using SpyBubble and Why Remote Installation Is Not Possible
Spying on someone’s activity is, in most countries of the world, a serious legal matter. For example, if you try to monitor your spouse or your adult children by using cell phone monitoring software or any tracking product without their knowledge and consent, you may violate federal, state or local laws, which makes you subject to penal or civil penalties. The situation is even worse when you would try to spy on someone who is not related to you.

This is the main reason why the software is not available for remote installation. Although, technically speaking, this would not be a problem, no serious software developer would release a program that would allow its users to spy on people they do not know, with intentions and purposes that cannot be controlled.

The direct installation involves a degree of proximity between the SpyBubble user and the person to be spied on, and lowers the chances for the software to be used for the wrong purposes.

There are also cases when cell phones are monitored legally, like those belonging to underage children or those given to the new employees. It is perfectly understandable that, as a parent, you want to know what your kids are doing, in order to make sure that they are in no danger, and that, as an employee, you wish to make sure that you work with honest and dedicated people, who strive for the company’s profit and do not give away important information.

In these cases, there is no need for remote installation, as the parent and the employer are the ones acquiring the phones, so access to them is not a problem.


SpyBubble is no magic software that you could install remotely and have it reveal to you the deeds and ideas of people you do not know, but rather a ticket to ensuring the protection of the people you love or your own interests, so use it wisely!

2 thoughts on “Can You Install SpyBubble Remotely?

  • June 21, 2013 at 2:29 am

    Can spy bubble be use to spy more than one phone ??

  • July 5, 2013 at 4:42 am

    Can Spybubble work?? if in the target phone is installed anti Spy??

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